Web-portal na kome je moguće da sve zanatlije objave usluge i djelatnost koje nude, gdje bi bile naznačene cijene usluga, slike prethodnih poslova ali i recenzije od klijenata, te bi na taj način sa sigurnošću mogli izbrati najbolju opciju. Web portal ima za cilj promociju zanatskih poslova, koji sa modernizacijom tržišta rada polako izumiru. Kreator ove ideje je diplomirani ekonomista.

A web-portal where it is possible for all artisans to publish the services and activities they offer, where the prices of the services, pictures of previous jobs and reviews from clients would be indicated, and in this way they would be able to choose the best option with certainty. The web portal aims to promote craft jobs, which are slowly dying out with the modernization of the labor market. The creator of this idea is a graduate economist.