Personalizovan proizvod koji uz pomoć Arduino senzora mjeri vlažnost zemljišta i kada ono nije dovoljno vlažno šalje signal i aktivira se sistem koji zaliva biljku. Na ovaj način se rješava problem zalivanja biljaka kada su članovi domaćinstva u odsustvu. Kreatori ove ideje su učenice  gimnazije „Tanasije Pejatović” u Pljevljima.

A personalized product that, with the help of an Arduino sensor, measures the humidity of the soil and when it is not moist enough, it sends a signal and the system that waters the plant is activated. In this way, the problem of watering plants when household members are away is solved. The creators of this idea are students of the „Tanasije Pejatović“ high school in Pljevlja.