SPF su automatizovane hranilice za kućne ljubimce, pomoću kojih vlasnici mogu da ostavljaju svoje ljubimce kod kuće bez brige ko će ih i kada nahraniti. Neki od problem koji se uočavaju, to jeste sa kojima se vlasnici kućnih ljubimaca suočavaju je nedostatak praktičnog načina hranjenja ljubimaca kada nisu prisutni ili kada imaju neredovne rasporede. Ovo može dovesti do nepravilne ishrane, nedostatkom kontrole nad količinom hrane ili čak situacijama gladovanja kod ljubimca.

SPF are automated pet feeders, with which owners can leave their pets at home without worrying about who will feed them and when. Some of the perceived problems that pet owners face is the lack of a practical way to feed their pets when they are not present or when they have irregular schedules. This can lead to improper nutrition, lack of control over the amount of food or even starvation situations in the pet.