The main production activity of the social business Igla & Konac will be just creative recycling. The products they intend to market to the market are diverse, starting from ornaments, small useful objects for home to larger objects, furniture and works of art. It is well-known that there are a variety of styles and materials and the preferences of potential buyers who plan to meet the versatile offer. What Iglu & Konac stands out with regard to competition is the use of waste for the production of the above mentioned products, and the promotion of a new culture of re-use of things and giving customers the opportunity to look after their environment. In addition, as a social business, they intend to make the profit we are making back into the community: free workshops, waste collection campaigns, procurement of a larger range of raw materials, etc. In this case, all potential homeowners or households are interested in potential buyers for handmade items, interior design, waste recycling, creative / artistic ideas, student and civic activism, social entrepreneurship and so on.
Glavna proizvodna djelatnost društvenog biznisa Igla&Konac biće upravo kreativna reciklaža. Proizvodi koje namjeravaju da plasiraju na tržište su raznoliki, počevši od ukrasa, malih korisnih predmeta za dom do većih predmeta, namještaja i umjetničkih djela. Poznato je da u današnje vrijeme postoji raznolikost stilova i materijala te preferenci potencijalnih kupaca što planiraju da zadovolje svestranom ponudom. Ono što Iglu&Konac izdvaja u odnosu na konkurenciju jeste korišćenje otpada za izradu navedenih proizvoda, te promovisanje nove kulture ponovne upotrebe stvari i davanje kupcima priliku da se staraju o svojoj životnoj sredini. Dodatno, kao društveni biznis, namjeravaju da profit koji budemo ostvarivali uložimo nazad u zajednicu i to: besplatnim uradi-sam radionicama, kampanjama za sakupljanje otpada, nabavkom većeg asortimana sirovina itd. Samim tim, u potencijalne kupce ubrajaju sve kućevlasnike ili ukućane koji imaju interes za ručno rađene predmete, dizajn enterijera, reciklažu otpada, kreativne/umjetničke ideje, studentski i građanski aktivizam, društveno preduzetništvo i slično.
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