CR je edukativna i zabavna video igra koja simulira realne vanredne situacije. Uz pomoć ove video igre moći ćete da naučite kako pružiti prvu pomoć u različitim situacijama, kao i vještine reagovanja u slučaju zemljotresa i požara, testirate svoje znanje i donesite brze odluke. Kreatori ove igre su student sa Građevinskog fakulteta i studentkinja sa Elektrotehničkog fakulteta Univerziteta Crne Gore.

CR is an educational and fun video game that simulates real emergency situations. With the help of this video game, you will be able to learn how to provide first aid in different situations, as well as the skills of responding in case of earthquake and fire, test your knowledge and make quick decisions. The creators of this game are a student from the Faculty of Civil Engineering and a student from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Montenegro.